Joachim Van Walle

- telephone: 0496/18.38.09
- e-mail:
- target group: adults and adolescents, individual psychotherapy
- in-depth experience as a student psychologist in the psychotherapeutic treatment of students.
- language: Dutch, English
- Master Clinical Psychology (VUB, 1999)
- Postgraduate training Client-centered experiental psychotherapy (FMS, 2005)
- Specialisation existential psychotherapy (2009)
- In addition to his duties at the private practice, he is also working as a psychologist-psychotherapist in the Brussels Mental Health Center Kruidtuin.
- Recognition Number by the Psychology Commission: 751108535
- Member of the Flemish Association of Clinical Psychologists, the Belgian Federation of Psychologists, and the Flemish Association for Client-focused Experimental
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